The memories – including your past lives are stored in your energy body, your subconscious, and The Akasha. In the Akashic Records, your past, present, and future are all connected. So, when you heal the energy from your past, you are healing your life in both the present and future.
You don’t need any special powers to access your Akashic Records since they are part of you. With sincere inquiry, meditation, and prayer, you will be able to tune into all you need to know to help you. The Akashic Records are infinite so you will never run out of resources.
Here is a simple technique you can use right now:
Begin by sitting quietly and calm your mind. If you are familiar with meditation, spend some time in meditation.
Say a PRAYER to connect with your higher consciousness and ask that you are connected only with light.
Write down, think, or say out loud what you want to know more about. For example, think of an energy you wish to heal. You can ask your angels and guides to assist you in gaining insight into the origin of this energy, from any lifetime.
Ask what lessons you need to know from experiencing this.
Ask for forgiveness for all people involved, and let that energy go.
Imagine what you would like to experience. Allow yourself to be filled with light, love and that healing frequency.
Spend some time journaling, reflecting and integrating your new energy. You will feel different.
Akashic records are meant for everyone, you can access your records by knowing your soul at you core level.
May you experience love, healing and peace!