Music has been in my lineage, my life, as a best friend, guide and guru for the past 30 over years both as a student & as a teacher. Being a Music Tutor for the past 10 years, I discovered that its not just mere lessons that we learn but it has something beyond that the Saints & Sages have left it to us to discover. I used to ask myself, why am I in this field? There must be something hidden or unknown to explore.

I started my self research while teaching . I begun to understand that musical notes were derived from the Vedas during Rig & Yajur Veda , where mantras were formulated as only 3 notes were discovered then ( NI,RI,SA). In the Sama Veda era, the complete set of 7 notes were derived. It was known as Saptha swaras ( saptha -7, swaras- notes). The beauty of these Saptha Swara is that , its connected to our human subtle system. How? Lets have a look.
The India Classical Raagas are structured scales that carries frequency that aids in healing. There are 7 main notes that form Raagas in the Music System. Each of these note has connection with the Chakra system. Eg:-
SA | Mooladhara |
RI | Swadhistana |
GA | Manipura |
MA | Anahatha |
PA | Vishuddhi |
DA | Ajna |
NI | Sahasrara |
When a person sings or even listens to each of the above notes using a particular scale or pitch, it creates the frequency that taps into the chakra over a period of time and begins to vibrate. When these notations are shaped into Raagas , it has a specific effect in the healing process.
For example, Raaga Sindhu Bhairavi is connected with the Crown Chakra. It aids in healing ailments related to the head/ brain region . Why crown chakra? Sindhu Bhairavi has a very soothing and surrender effect that allows one to surrender & come into a space of complete relaxation, in which deep healing can take place. The process of healing with raaga takes time as this is an alternative medicine heals the Body, Mind & Soul.
Likewise each Chakra has its own specific raagas. The raagas are carefully chosen for the healing therapy as some raagas have dissonant notation which may not be suitable for clients who are experiencing mood swings, depression , etc
Among the 260 over raagas in the music system, some raagas are designed for morning hours, some for the evenings, and some are common to be heard at any time.
In the Healing arena, the raagas or soundtracks are chosen without lyrics. Most of the sessions are either sung by the healer/singer or with instruments such as veena ( highly recommended- as the structure of the veena is equivalent to the spinal cord structure & also connected with the Gayathri Mantra – 24 FRETS = 24 SYLLABLES OF THE MANTRA, therefore it has the ability to heal intensly) & bamboo flute.
The style in which the raagas are sung is more towards the Hindustani version as it does not have much vibratos ( gamakas) as the South Indian version. The healing session has to be as mellow as possible compared to an actual musical stage performance.
One can also use the Singing Bowl with the same frequency of the voice or instrument used during the healing session. To choose the same pitch, for example, if the singer / instrumentalist is using the Scale G, the Singing bowl should either be in G scale or scales that resonates with the G scale. One can include the shamanic drums, handpans & Chakra Singing bowl set depending on the type of healing session conducted.